Susan's Recommendation The Anatomy of Peace; Resolving the Heart of Conflict, (2nd Ed.) by the Arbinger Institute. This is an important book; I dare say, life-changing for those readers who are open to its message. This is not strictly a Christian book - but rather offers truly relevant insight, across cultures, about how to bridge conflict and build resolving the heart connection between people. This book is an easy, eye-opening study, told in of conflict story form, about the heart of conflict that we all carry at times. By reading this book-it helped me see how I can enter a situation with a spirit of peace or war, which can directly affect the outcome of that exchange! This book is not SECOND EDITION only good for organizations and churches, but also applicable to family and personal interactions as well. If anyone (that's most of us) could use some accessible insight into rebuilding tattered relationships - this is a great resource. At Amazon, the paperback runs $10.08. Enjoy your Summer by taking some personal time to read! Susan...+ "We can never obtain peace in the world if we neglect the inner world and don't make peace with ourselves. World Peace must develop out of inner peace." ~ The Dalai Lama " "Acquire the Spirit of Peace and a thousand souls around you will be saved." ~ Seraphim of Sarov - perhaps the most famous quote of this great Russian saint. Nick's Book Recommendation: Convictions:How I Learned What Matters Most. Marcus J Borg From his first book to his last, I have loved reading and learning from Dr. Borg. Convictions was published a year before his death in 2015 and is where "Dr. Borg shares how he formed his bedrock religious beliefs, contending that CONVICTIONS Christians in America are at their best when they focus on hope and transformation and so shows how we can return to what really matters most. The result is a manifesto for all progressive Christians who seek the best path for following Jesus today." For those of you new to Marcus Borg, this book will give you an overview his life and theology. Should what you read interest you, Dr. Borg then links the chapters to other works where the claims he makes here are more fully developed. For those of you who have read him before, Convictions strikes me as the opus of one of the most influential Christian teachers of our time. What you'll find within is not merely a distillation Comments are closed.
January 2021