Responding to Christ’s call, we actively carry God’s love into the world through Healing, Hope, and Hospitality.
Worship Service Times
A Special Prayer from the Rev. Thack Dyson
Dear Christophers,
Many of us know civil servants, teachers of low-income schools like OJ Semmes, medical researchers and helping agencies (NGO’s) whose employment futures are in jeopardy. Please cover them in prayer during these uncertain times. The following prayer for their peace and continued thriving was written and shared by the Rev Thack Dyson of St Paul’s, Daphne.
Your Sister in Christ,
Click here to read the message from the Rev. Thack Dyson, St. Paul's, Daphne
Dear Christophers,
Many of us know civil servants, teachers of low-income schools like OJ Semmes, medical researchers and helping agencies (NGO’s) whose employment futures are in jeopardy. Please cover them in prayer during these uncertain times. The following prayer for their peace and continued thriving was written and shared by the Rev Thack Dyson of St Paul’s, Daphne.
Your Sister in Christ,
Click here to read the message from the Rev. Thack Dyson, St. Paul's, Daphne
Watch AFEDJ's Conversation with Archbishop Naoum
Click the link or image below then enter the passcode to view the virtual conversation with Archbishop Hosam Naoum. Please note that the recording will be available until 2/11/25 from AFEDJ.
Watch the recording here. Passcode: THANKYOU2025#
Watch the recording here. Passcode: THANKYOU2025#
Love, Grace, and Curiosity:
An Invitation to The Episcopal Church from Bishop Russell
An Invitation to The Episcopal Church from Bishop Russell
Bishop Russell Kendrick of the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast introduces The Episcopal Church as a welcoming, inclusive community focused on love, grace, and curiosity. He explains the Church's values, including open discussion, the importance of scripture, and embracing doubt as part of faith. The Church celebrates God's grace for all people, emphasizing love and building heaven on earth through worship, service, and the Eucharist. Bishop Kendrick invites viewers to learn more about The Episcopal Church, offering a message of unconditional grace and belonging.
Jason Carter honors his grandfather Jimmy Carter in eulogy
inweekly Article:
Dr. Frank Gilliam named to Stanford/Elsevier’s Top 2% Scientist Rankings
Dr. Frank Gilliam named to Stanford/Elsevier’s Top 2% Scientist Rankings
Our very own Dr. Frank Gilliam, along with 3 other University of West Florida researchers, earned a place on Stanford/Elsevier’s Top 2% Scientist Rankings lists in 2024 and 2023. The prestigious list identifies the world’s leading researchers, representing approximately 2% of all scientists worldwide. Read more here ...
Statement from Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe on the death of President Jimmy Carter
First Coming - by Madeline L'Engle
Global Partnerships - Online Interview with Father Faddi Diab
Hildegard of Bingen: Visions of the Trinity
Rev. Prof. June Boyce-Tillman
Rev. Prof. June Boyce-Tillman
An Audience with Cynthia Bourgeault
February 2024
February 2024
Christianity and Unknowing
Richard Rohr on Mystical Thinking
Richard Rohr on Mystical Thinking
Ahli Arab Hospital Closure
You can make an immediate difference - click the image for more information
You can make an immediate difference - click the image for more information
Statement from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
Al-Ahli Anglican Hospital in Gaza has been closed. Click the image to read the statement from Bishop Curry.
Quote from Bishop Oscar Romero
Visit think link to read a quote from Oscar Romero on the Kingdom of God
Needful for This New Time
The Living Church 6/12/24 - Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry weathered six hospitalizations in a year — three brain surgeries, a pacemaker, internal bleeding, removal of an adrenal gland. By late April, he had recovered enough to attend the last Executive Council meeting of his tenure — in Raleigh, North Carolina, just a few miles from his home. TLC’s Kirk Petersen caught up with him in a quiet meeting room. Read more here ....
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry: Easter 2024 message
How C.S. Lewis explains Resurrection
For your Holy Week, view this clip of how C.S. Lewis explains resurrection in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"
Of Gods and Men Movie Trailer
For those looking for a movie to prepare your heart for Good Friday, this is a good one available on multiple streaming services.
Your Sister in Christ,
Your Sister in Christ,
Apollo 8 Astronaut Shares Story Behind Iconic 'Earthrise' Photo | TODAY
Birth of Christ - The Saint John's Bible: Virtual Tour
Visit this link to tour Birth of Christ by Donald Jackson
It's Time for COP 28
COP 28 is an annual meeting that brings all the countries in the world together to push for more ambitious action to mitigate the impact of climate change. In this article, Katharine Hayhoe presents the good and not so good news about what countries are doing to slow the progress of changes to our climate.
For People Podcast
with Bishop Rob Wright
with Bishop Rob Wright
Uncovering Peace:
Turmoil and Hope in The Holy Land For People is a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. The recent news of the violence and murder of thousands of people in Palestine and Israel has sent shockwaves around the world. In the midst of conflict lies confusion and finger-pointing. In this very special episode of For People, Bishop Wright has a conversation with Archbishop Hosam E. Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem. His jurisdiction covers Palestine, Israel, The Westbank, and other territories and states. |
A Grateful Day
Fascinated By Nature
Special Message from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to the Diocese of Hawai'i
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry shared a message of care of compassion to the Diocese of Hawai'i, and especially to those affected by the deadly Maui fires that destroyed Lahaina and a community that included Holy Innocents Episcopal Church.
JUST Pensacola featured in INWEEKLY Magazine
JUST Pensacola's Fight by Tom St. Myer. We are proud of our leadership in this interfaith mission. Read the full article here.
Angels create garden where children can grow
Angels In Our Midst recipient - Nancy Kulb
Watch the WEAR 3 news video
Watch the WEAR 3 news video
Archbishop of Canterbury’s coronation sermon
"The weight of the task given you today, Your Majesties, is only bearable by the Spirit of God, who gives us the strength to give our lives to others. With the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the King is given freely what no ruler can ever attain through will, or politics, or war, or tyranny: the Holy Spirit draws us to love in action."
Read the complete sermon
"The weight of the task given you today, Your Majesties, is only bearable by the Spirit of God, who gives us the strength to give our lives to others. With the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the King is given freely what no ruler can ever attain through will, or politics, or war, or tyranny: the Holy Spirit draws us to love in action."
Read the complete sermon
A Lenten Poem
by Jan Richardson
by Jan Richardson
Real, Rooted, Relevant

We don’t claim to have all of life’s answers, but we are committed to faithfully searching for them in the Good News of Jesus, while honoring one another in the process. Wherever you may be on life’s journey, love and open arms are found here as we live out our faith with authenticity in worship and service to others.
We don’t claim to have all of life’s answers, but we are committed to faithfully searching for them in the Good News of Jesus, while honoring one another in the process. Wherever you may be on life’s journey, love and open arms are found here as we live out our faith with authenticity in worship and service to others.
Orthodox and Open - we celebrate and respect the beauty and mystery of the Episcopal tradition, grounded in a liturgy that taps into the Ancient Church, yet remaining open to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Here, we experience the presence of the Living God, and stand with those who have faithfully handed down to us Christ’s one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.
Orthodox and Open - we celebrate and respect the beauty and mystery of the Episcopal tradition, grounded in a liturgy that taps into the Ancient Church, yet remaining open to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Here, we experience the presence of the Living God, and stand with those who have faithfully handed down to us Christ’s one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.
Life’s journey is both joyful and hard - and this loving community offers us resilience, friendship and faith. Life together forms us spiritually, impacting our everyday lives in how we live, work and play. Faithfully connected to our community, we bravely embrace and engage in issues of compassion and justice. People of all generations and backgrounds have the opportunity to flourish and refine their moral & spiritual compass. As Christopher’s, we offer hope and healing as we tangibly embrace our responsibility to carry God’s grace into our neighborhood and world.
Together - we give God’s love life!
Life’s journey is both joyful and hard - and this loving community offers us resilience, friendship and faith. Life together forms us spiritually, impacting our everyday lives in how we live, work and play. Faithfully connected to our community, we bravely embrace and engage in issues of compassion and justice. People of all generations and backgrounds have the opportunity to flourish and refine their moral & spiritual compass. As Christopher’s, we offer hope and healing as we tangibly embrace our responsibility to carry God’s grace into our neighborhood and world.
Together - we give God’s love life!