Love & Serve
“For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,
and to give his life a ransom for many.” ~Mark 10:45
and to give his life a ransom for many.” ~Mark 10:45
We are given new & abundant life in Christ - so that we may grow in our love of God and neighbor, and thereby partner with God in healing and reconciling the whole world back to himself.
Tell - Proclaim the Gospel

Altar Guild: Prepares the altar for Eucharist prior to each service and arranges the flowers for the Sunday service. Each team serves for one month approximately four times a year.
Contact: Georganne Major, [email protected]
Chalice Bearers: Trained by the church and licensed by the Bishop to administer the cup during communion. Serve once a month. Contact: Guy Abbate, 850-791-6919 (Saturday service)
Contact: Sandy Loudon, [email protected] (8:00 service), Contact: Sam Shilling, [email protected] (10:30 service)
Flower Guild: Breaks down the altar arrangement into mini arrangements after each Sunday service to be delivered to homebound parishioners. Contact: Far Parker, [email protected]
Lectors: Reads the selected scripture to the congregation for each church service. Contact: Guy Abbate, 850-791-6919 (Saturday service), Contact: Sandy Loudon, [email protected] (8:00 am service) Contact: Sam Shilling,[email protected] (10:30 service)
Ushers: Assist in preparing for the 10:30 am service and picking up afterwards. Greet people and hand-out bulletins prior to each service. Contact: Jeff Elliot, [email protected]
Music (A joyful witness)
Hospitality Team (A welcoming witness)
Organizes and prepares for various events within the church such as Rally Day, cookouts, or special events. Contact:
Christopher's Concerts (A welcoming witness)
Event planning and concessions for our weekly concerts held from April - June. Contact: Larry Northup [email protected] To help with the concession: Contact: Astrida Miller, [email protected]
Daughters of the King (A prayful witness)
An Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, or churches in communion with it, or churches who are in the Historic Episcopate. Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. Daughters pledge to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ's Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of their parishes. Contact:
- Youth, grades 6th - 12th, who assist in worship through carrying the cross, torches and the Gospel for each service. Contact: Addie Quina, [email protected] or
- Adult acolytes assist in worship for special weekday services and for the 8:00 am Sunday service. Contact: Skip Snow, [email protected]
Altar Guild: Prepares the altar for Eucharist prior to each service and arranges the flowers for the Sunday service. Each team serves for one month approximately four times a year.
Contact: Georganne Major, [email protected]
Chalice Bearers: Trained by the church and licensed by the Bishop to administer the cup during communion. Serve once a month. Contact: Guy Abbate, 850-791-6919 (Saturday service)
Contact: Sandy Loudon, [email protected] (8:00 service), Contact: Sam Shilling, [email protected] (10:30 service)
Flower Guild: Breaks down the altar arrangement into mini arrangements after each Sunday service to be delivered to homebound parishioners. Contact: Far Parker, [email protected]
Lectors: Reads the selected scripture to the congregation for each church service. Contact: Guy Abbate, 850-791-6919 (Saturday service), Contact: Sandy Loudon, [email protected] (8:00 am service) Contact: Sam Shilling,[email protected] (10:30 service)
Ushers: Assist in preparing for the 10:30 am service and picking up afterwards. Greet people and hand-out bulletins prior to each service. Contact: Jeff Elliot, [email protected]
Music (A joyful witness)
- Adult Choir: Performs during church services and special events. The choir practices weekly on Thursday evenings with the exception of summer. Contact: Sammie Tucker, [email protected]
- Colorful Chords: This program is designed for children in grades K - 5th. The choir performs on Youth Sunday and other various events. Colorful Chords meets weekly on Sundays following the 10:30 am service. Contact: Sammie Tucker, [email protected]
- Handbells: Performs approximately six times a year. The handbell choir practices weekly on Tuesday evenings. Contact Sammie Tucker, [email protected]
- Instrumental Ensemble: If you have played an instrument before and would like to play some more, come join us. Many instruments are available and we have music of various levels. "Dust off your chops." Contact: Charles Tucker, 850-525-8256 or [email protected]
Hospitality Team (A welcoming witness)
Organizes and prepares for various events within the church such as Rally Day, cookouts, or special events. Contact:
Christopher's Concerts (A welcoming witness)
Event planning and concessions for our weekly concerts held from April - June. Contact: Larry Northup [email protected] To help with the concession: Contact: Astrida Miller, [email protected]
Daughters of the King (A prayful witness)
An Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, or churches in communion with it, or churches who are in the Historic Episcopate. Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. Daughters pledge to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ's Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of their parishes. Contact:
Teach (Teach and nurture the faith)

Baptismal Banner Guild (Nurture new believers) :
Designs and makes banners for each newly baptized member. Contact: Anne French, [email protected]
Bible Study
We meet on Wednesday morning at 9:00 am in the Homer Davis Conference Room. This group studies thru a book of the Bible.
Contact: Mother Susan, [email protected]
Contact: Father Nick, [email protected]
Men’s Bible Study
Join us for the reading and discussion of the week's Gospel. Contact:
Children's Christian Education
Teach or assist Christian Education classes during the 10:30 am Sunday service for children, ages three thru 5th grade. Volunteers serve approximately once each month. Contact: Joe Taylor, [email protected]
Episcopal Youth Ministry (Jr. EYC & Sr. EYC)
EYC Ministries are thriving in the life of St. Christopher's. Our middle and high school EYC encompasses grades six through twelve, meets weekly, and has a number of activities outside of the parish. Contact: Kate McGurk, [email protected]
Greeters/Welcome Table/Newcomers
Greet worshipers & newcomers as they arrive for each Sunday service. Check online schedule to volunteer. Contact: Bill Miller, [email protected]
Cursillo (Nurture mature believers)
Cursillo is a three-day weekend that introduces people to simple methods for nurturing and growing their relationships with Christ. It provides an experience of living in a Christian community centered in worship, prayer, study of scripture and interaction with other Christians. Its mission is to build up our parishes by encouraging and empowering its members to prepare for doing the work of the church- the spreading of the Gospel. See Facebook Page and Website. Contact: Bill Miller, [email protected]
Designs and makes banners for each newly baptized member. Contact: Anne French, [email protected]
Bible Study
We meet on Wednesday morning at 9:00 am in the Homer Davis Conference Room. This group studies thru a book of the Bible.
Contact: Mother Susan, [email protected]
Contact: Father Nick, [email protected]
Men’s Bible Study
Join us for the reading and discussion of the week's Gospel. Contact:
Children's Christian Education
Teach or assist Christian Education classes during the 10:30 am Sunday service for children, ages three thru 5th grade. Volunteers serve approximately once each month. Contact: Joe Taylor, [email protected]
Episcopal Youth Ministry (Jr. EYC & Sr. EYC)
EYC Ministries are thriving in the life of St. Christopher's. Our middle and high school EYC encompasses grades six through twelve, meets weekly, and has a number of activities outside of the parish. Contact: Kate McGurk, [email protected]
Greeters/Welcome Table/Newcomers
Greet worshipers & newcomers as they arrive for each Sunday service. Check online schedule to volunteer. Contact: Bill Miller, [email protected]
Cursillo (Nurture mature believers)
Cursillo is a three-day weekend that introduces people to simple methods for nurturing and growing their relationships with Christ. It provides an experience of living in a Christian community centered in worship, prayer, study of scripture and interaction with other Christians. Its mission is to build up our parishes by encouraging and empowering its members to prepare for doing the work of the church- the spreading of the Gospel. See Facebook Page and Website. Contact: Bill Miller, [email protected]
Tend (Loving service)

Pastoral Assistance Team (PATs)
Teams of 2 that visit homebound parishioners. Various Teams deliver communion weekly and offers pastoral care. Each team services once every other month. Contact:
Parish Nursing
Promotes programming that encourages health and wellness within the parish community. Volunteer nurses are needed. Contact: the church office
OJ Semmes Elementary School Outreach
Wilmer Hall
This agency of the Diocese, in Mobile, provides services and a home to children who are unable to live at with their parents. Some of the services we provide are school supplies, Easter baskets & Christmas gifts. Contact: Tracy Penullar, 850-478-1024
Camp Happy Sands
A free summer day camp for children 6 - 11 years old of low income and disadvantaged families within the greater Pensacola area. The children participate in craft activities, guided nature walks, swimming, games and music. We invite guest speakers to provide talks and demonstrations with child interaction on topics such as environmental stewardship, natural resources and the protection and understanding of wildlife and plant. Contact:
Christmas Caravan (Caring for local support agencies)
This annual one day event raises about $25,000 for local charities. Volunteers are needed to help with the organization and operation of a bake sale, bazaar, lunch, and home tours. Contact: Pat Fogg, [email protected]
Intercessory Prayer Team
Meets in the chapel after communion at the 10:30 am service to offer immediate prayers for people who need them. Contact: Mac Parker, [email protected] Contact: Paul Wallis, [email protected]
Manna Food Bank
There is a collection of non-perishable canned food items collected each Sunday. Please check the St. Christopher’s this week or the monthly Lantern for what will be collected each month. Contact: Jan Van Winkle, [email protected]
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
This organization unites the women of the parish in a program of worship, study, service, and fellowship which will strengthen their own spiritual lives and lead them into service for the Church in the parish and the community. Contact: Louise Kohr, [email protected] Contact: Pat Fogg, [email protected]
Sunday Drivers
Helps homebound parishioners attend services by driving them to and from the service. Contact: The church office at 850-433-0074.
Office Volunteers
Consider joining the office once a month to answer the phone and help with offices tasks such as mailings, phone messages, etc. Contact: Lee Kopelke, [email protected]
Cookie Cookers
Provides cookies for Sunday morning fellowship in the parish hall after each service. Serves approximately twice per year. Contact:
Funeral Hospitality Team
This important ministry ensures that the grieving family can hast a reception in the Parish Hall and be provided with finger sandwiches and cookies for their guests after a funeral. Contact: Mari Abbate, [email protected]
Men’s social club that promotes networking & community building. This group is also active in small maintenance tasks around the church. Contact: David Williams, [email protected]
Transitional Families
This ministry provides assistance for Loaves and Fishes families that are in financial stress by providing for their immediate needs. Contact: Jerry Cotsonis, 850-607-7355
Teams of 2 that visit homebound parishioners. Various Teams deliver communion weekly and offers pastoral care. Each team services once every other month. Contact:
Parish Nursing
Promotes programming that encourages health and wellness within the parish community. Volunteer nurses are needed. Contact: the church office
OJ Semmes Elementary School Outreach
- Read Books to Children for 30 minutes at OJ Semmes during the school year.
- Transport OJ Semmes Elementary School Children to Beckwith Summer Camp (July) Contact:
- Thanksgiving Baskets (Weekend before Thanksgiving) Contact: Kay Rickenbaugh, 850-777-2638
- Mentoring OJ Semmes Elementary School Children Contact: Sandee Houston, [email protected] Contact: Kathy Whittington, [email protected]
Wilmer Hall
This agency of the Diocese, in Mobile, provides services and a home to children who are unable to live at with their parents. Some of the services we provide are school supplies, Easter baskets & Christmas gifts. Contact: Tracy Penullar, 850-478-1024
Camp Happy Sands
A free summer day camp for children 6 - 11 years old of low income and disadvantaged families within the greater Pensacola area. The children participate in craft activities, guided nature walks, swimming, games and music. We invite guest speakers to provide talks and demonstrations with child interaction on topics such as environmental stewardship, natural resources and the protection and understanding of wildlife and plant. Contact:
Christmas Caravan (Caring for local support agencies)
This annual one day event raises about $25,000 for local charities. Volunteers are needed to help with the organization and operation of a bake sale, bazaar, lunch, and home tours. Contact: Pat Fogg, [email protected]
Intercessory Prayer Team
Meets in the chapel after communion at the 10:30 am service to offer immediate prayers for people who need them. Contact: Mac Parker, [email protected] Contact: Paul Wallis, [email protected]
Manna Food Bank
There is a collection of non-perishable canned food items collected each Sunday. Please check the St. Christopher’s this week or the monthly Lantern for what will be collected each month. Contact: Jan Van Winkle, [email protected]
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
This organization unites the women of the parish in a program of worship, study, service, and fellowship which will strengthen their own spiritual lives and lead them into service for the Church in the parish and the community. Contact: Louise Kohr, [email protected] Contact: Pat Fogg, [email protected]
Sunday Drivers
Helps homebound parishioners attend services by driving them to and from the service. Contact: The church office at 850-433-0074.
Office Volunteers
Consider joining the office once a month to answer the phone and help with offices tasks such as mailings, phone messages, etc. Contact: Lee Kopelke, [email protected]
Cookie Cookers
Provides cookies for Sunday morning fellowship in the parish hall after each service. Serves approximately twice per year. Contact:
Funeral Hospitality Team
This important ministry ensures that the grieving family can hast a reception in the Parish Hall and be provided with finger sandwiches and cookies for their guests after a funeral. Contact: Mari Abbate, [email protected]
Men’s social club that promotes networking & community building. This group is also active in small maintenance tasks around the church. Contact: David Williams, [email protected]
Transitional Families
This ministry provides assistance for Loaves and Fishes families that are in financial stress by providing for their immediate needs. Contact: Jerry Cotsonis, 850-607-7355
Transform (Seeking Justice)

Incarnation Project (Foreign mission to the radically poor)
We support the children of Le Pretre Haiti with our prayers, finances and visits. Our mission is to provide health education including screening & treatment, dental assistance and we pay the teacher’s salaries for the church school that we help build. Contact: Nancy Kulb, [email protected]
Refugee Resettlement Mission in Pensacola
Works with Catholic Charities Contact: Rachel Harding, [email protected]
Episcopalians for Peace
The Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF) is a national organization connecting all who seek a deliberate response to injustice and violence and want to pray, study and take action for justice and peace in our communities, our church, and the world. We are called to do justice, dismantle violence, and strive to be peacemakers. Contact: the church office
Global Habitat (Guatemala Mission)
Each year, Pensacola Habitat for Humanity works to fulfil the mission of “building homes, community, and hope” both locally and abroad. Habitat International- Global Village Trips offer the opportunity to experience other cultures while making a difference in the lives of families in need. Contact: Skip Vogelsang, 850-776-7951 or Dianne Blair, 850-377-4167
Habitat for Humanity
Our mission is to assist in building quality, energy-efficient homes working side-by-side with homeowners. Contact: Skip Vogelsang, 850-776-7951
Prison Ministry
It is our hope to assist our Methodist friends by joining their efforts to support re-entry programs in the Pensacola area. Re-entry programs are venues where highly motivated ex-offenders are assisted in a variety of ways, in hopes of creating an environment that ultimately reduces recidivism. Re-entry programs such as REAP are in desperate need of volunteers to mentor, transport, and support ex-offenders in their transition back to society.
It is also our hope to establish a relationship with a correctional facility in the area which would permit volunteers to bring the Eucharist to those who desired it. Contact: Father Nick Phares, [email protected]
Summer Meals Program (SMP)
Summer Meals Program is a federally funded (USDA) initiative providing meals for kids (age 18 and under) during the summer. This program attempts to fill the food insecurity gap, as the children have no access to free breakfast and lunch as they did in school. St. Christopher’s serves pre-packaged lunches from 12-1, Monday through Friday, at Gonzalez Court, an Area Housing complex on 9th Avenue between Fisher St. and Baars St. Meals will be served in the Community Room close to 10th Avenue and Baars. Volunteers are needed to work one day a week, but not every week. Two Site Supervisors will be in charge to cover all 5 days of a week, but not every week. Training is provided. Time commitment is approximately two hours. More info at: Contact: Judi Patrick, [email protected], 850 417-2443
We support the children of Le Pretre Haiti with our prayers, finances and visits. Our mission is to provide health education including screening & treatment, dental assistance and we pay the teacher’s salaries for the church school that we help build. Contact: Nancy Kulb, [email protected]
Refugee Resettlement Mission in Pensacola
Works with Catholic Charities Contact: Rachel Harding, [email protected]
Episcopalians for Peace
The Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF) is a national organization connecting all who seek a deliberate response to injustice and violence and want to pray, study and take action for justice and peace in our communities, our church, and the world. We are called to do justice, dismantle violence, and strive to be peacemakers. Contact: the church office
Global Habitat (Guatemala Mission)
Each year, Pensacola Habitat for Humanity works to fulfil the mission of “building homes, community, and hope” both locally and abroad. Habitat International- Global Village Trips offer the opportunity to experience other cultures while making a difference in the lives of families in need. Contact: Skip Vogelsang, 850-776-7951 or Dianne Blair, 850-377-4167
Habitat for Humanity
Our mission is to assist in building quality, energy-efficient homes working side-by-side with homeowners. Contact: Skip Vogelsang, 850-776-7951
Prison Ministry
It is our hope to assist our Methodist friends by joining their efforts to support re-entry programs in the Pensacola area. Re-entry programs are venues where highly motivated ex-offenders are assisted in a variety of ways, in hopes of creating an environment that ultimately reduces recidivism. Re-entry programs such as REAP are in desperate need of volunteers to mentor, transport, and support ex-offenders in their transition back to society.
It is also our hope to establish a relationship with a correctional facility in the area which would permit volunteers to bring the Eucharist to those who desired it. Contact: Father Nick Phares, [email protected]
Summer Meals Program (SMP)
Summer Meals Program is a federally funded (USDA) initiative providing meals for kids (age 18 and under) during the summer. This program attempts to fill the food insecurity gap, as the children have no access to free breakfast and lunch as they did in school. St. Christopher’s serves pre-packaged lunches from 12-1, Monday through Friday, at Gonzalez Court, an Area Housing complex on 9th Avenue between Fisher St. and Baars St. Meals will be served in the Community Room close to 10th Avenue and Baars. Volunteers are needed to work one day a week, but not every week. Two Site Supervisors will be in charge to cover all 5 days of a week, but not every week. Training is provided. Time commitment is approximately two hours. More info at: Contact: Judi Patrick, [email protected], 850 417-2443
Treasure (Care of the Earth)

Green Thumbs
If you like gardening and working in the earth, join us one Saturday a month. We maintain the Memorial Garden and flower beds. Contact: The church office at 850-433-0074
Green Movement
Here we are wondering who’s interested in an environmental stewardship program, such as picking up litter on the beach. Contact: Mother Susan Sowers, [email protected]
If you like gardening and working in the earth, join us one Saturday a month. We maintain the Memorial Garden and flower beds. Contact: The church office at 850-433-0074
Green Movement
Here we are wondering who’s interested in an environmental stewardship program, such as picking up litter on the beach. Contact: Mother Susan Sowers, [email protected]